On the ninth day of our 12 Days of Christmas Desserts,
we are featuring Christmas Cookies!

Christmas Cookies from Carl's Cakes
From Peanut Butter Blossoms to rosettes, decorated cut-outs to sprinkled spritz, spread some holiday cheer this year with Christmas cookies! Whether they’re for a cookie exchange or for Santa, cookies are perhaps the most loved of holiday desserts because they are quick and easy to make and are loved by even the pickiest of eaters.

Christmas Cookies from Just Bakery
It’s a time of year when we heat up our ovens and whip up countless holiday sweets. More than just delicious treats, baking Christmas cookies can add a little fun and a whole lot of memories! They’re a favorite for families of all ages to decorate. Everyone loves mixing the dough, using cookie cutters to cut the dough into different shapes, and of course the best part - decorating them with colorful frostings and sprinkles or dipping them in chocolate!

Christmas Cookies from Lylli & Ivi Cakes and Sweet Treat Cafe
Cookie were most likely created by accident. Historians think the idea of cookies was conceived by a Middle Eastern baker way back during the seventh century. The baker didn’t want to waste ingredients so he decided to sell the small batter cakes he used to test the temperature of his cooking oven. The ingenious idea used to eliminate waste by selling these tasty mini-cakes caught on and a revolutionary sugar-based creation was born.

Christmas Cookies from 600 Sweets & Treats
It’s very likely that some of the first cookies weren't decorated with sprinkles and frosting or decorated at all. In fact, some of the first cookie recipes that came about in 17th century Europe required the baker to boil the dough before baking it. The dough was rolled, cut into narrow strips and tied in a knot before being boiled and baked. The result was a cross between the modern bagel and a cookie.

Christmas Cookies from National Bakery & Deli
The sugar cookie can be traced back to the mid-18th century in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. German Protestant settlers created the round, buttery cookie and it became known as the Nazareth Sugar Cookie. To preserve its heritage as the birthplace of the modern sugar cookie, the Nazareth Sugar Cookies was adopted as Pennsylvania's official cookie through a House bill introduced in 2001. It’s safe to say Nazareth is very proud of their cookies.

Christmas Cookies from Bakery on Terrace
Fun Facts:
- National Cookie Day is December 4th!
- The cookie cutter was invented in 1875 to help make cutting complicated shapes easier!
- The tradition of leaving milk and cookies for Santa can be traced back to the Great Depression in the 1930s! American parents at the time tried to teach their children the importance of being kind and charitable. This tradition is still around today and many kids also remember Santa’s reindeer by leaving carrots for them, too!
Christmas Cookies from Rocket Baby Bakery
Find Christmas Cookies at one of these WBA member bakeries:
600 Sweets & Treats
Bakery on Terrace
Carl's Cakes
Clasen's European Bakery
Hill Top Bakery
Just Bakery
Linda's Bakery
Lylli & Ivi Cakes & Sweet Treat Cafe
Manderfield's Home Bakery
Monzu Bakery & Custom Cakes
National Bakery & Deli
Neat-O's Bake Shoppe
O&H Danish Bakery
Rocket Baby Bakery
Sally's Sweet Shoppe
Sweet Perfections Bake Shoppe
Tamara's the Cake Guru
To find a WBA Member bakery near you, click here.
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Day 8 - Gingerbread
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Day 10 - Yule Logs