WBA Member Spotlight

Get to know Doug Manderfield, Manager of Marketing and Public Relations at Manderfield’s Home Bakery

Q.  How long have you been in the baking industry?
A.  I grew up with a family of bakers and actually lived above my father’s first bakery. I helped out during high school and college, but never really got completely involved until 2001.

Q.  What’s your first memory of baking?
A.  When my father first opened his location on Calumet street in 1979, he let us kids come in and decorate the Christmas Cut-outs. He demonstrated briefly what he had in mind, but actually let us go rogue…I’m not really sure if he sold them in the store or not.

Q.  What is your favorite thing to bake?
Unfortunately, I did not inherit my father’s talent for baking, in fact, I am not typically confident in doing so. However, I love to cook, and one item that I love to create is Crème Brule!

Q.  What’s the best/worst thing to happen since you began working in the industry?
Best – Working with my brothers and helping our family business grow. Having my father and mother tell me they are proud of me. Worst - This pandemic…Ughh!

Q.  What sorts of trends do you see?
Healthy items, Custom “one of a kind” items, colorful things, throwback items, small things… The need for things “now”. The fact that people are not afraid to pay a lot for something they really want.

Q.  What do you find most challenging about being in the baking industry?
You never know what you are going to walk into each day! Ever changing products, new employees, problems to solve, technical issues and a variety of customer needs…It definitely makes each day interesting!

Q.  What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?
A.  I used to teach High School music, and sing and dance on cruise ships.

Q.  What do you like to do when you aren’t baking?
A.  I love to go to the gym, cook, play with my dog and just enjoy nature. I also cherish quality time with my parents.

Q.  How did you first get involved with the WBA?

A.  Jessica Hoover actually asked me if she could do an interview and video. During this process, I learned about WBA, and was eventually invited to attend a meeting. I was so impressed with the organization and the people involved, I realized I wanted to be a part of the board.

Q.  What do you wish other people knew about WBA?
A.  That it is an invaluable resource…it’s like having a support system right at your fingertips. 

Q.  What would you tell someone who is thinking about joining WBA?
Talk to someone who is a member. Talk to a board member. Call Jessica!!

Q.  What do you think will change about WBA over the next five years?
I think we can become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the State Fair. Really hoping to create our own Expo…Lake a Bake-O-Rama, or better yet, a Bake-O-Ree…It’ll be the place to BE!!

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